Go with the flow for rapid viscosity results with Honeybun
The Problem
Measuring viscosity is critical to knowing if your protein and formulation will be well-behaved, or if they will really disrupt the flow of things during administration. Too bad most ways of measuring viscosity take so much sample and time that no one is getting as much viscosity data as they need.
The Solution
Honeybun is the only rapid microvolume viscometer and rheometer that can deliver data as fast as researchers need it. Honeybun reads up to 10 samples at a time, often in less than 1 minute. Viscosity is read using single-use microfluidic consumables so only 35 µL per sample is needed while you never have to worry about clogging, cleaning, and calibrating.
The Proof
Come check out what makes Honeybun the fastest microvolume viscometer and rheometer that’s built for biologics. We’ll check out real-world results on antibodies and other proteins at a range of concentrations, explore the impact proper formulation can make, and dive into Honeybun’s sweet accuracy, precision, and throughput from low sample volumes.