Power up your LNP & AAV sample prep with Unagi
The Problem
Buffer exchange is a critical step to developing optimal vectors and payloads. Compared to biologics, development of delivery vectors like lipid nanoparticles (LNPs) and adeno-associated viruses (AAVs) is a newer research area with different challenges and opportunities to address. LNPs require fast buffer exchange to remove any organic phase without disrupting encapsulation efficiency or causing size change. AAVs usually need concentration after manufacturing in addition to buffer exchange at a high recovery. Both vectors can vary wildly in their manufacturing conditions or serotype, meaning a single solution may not be the best fit.
The Solution
Unagi is a benchtop automated buffer exchange and concentration instrument designed to handle a wide range of biologics and gene therapy biomolecules. Using pressure based ultra-filtration/diafiltration (UF/DF) technology coupled with non-contact individual sample volume measurement, Unagi will deliver precise buffer exchange and concentration targets without putting a dent in your sample recovery. Researchers can now choose between regenerated cellulose (RC) and polyethersulfone (PES) membranes in the Una consumable to further optimize recovery for their unique samples. With the ability to parallel process 1-8 samples in a volume range between 0.5 – 48 mL, Unagi can help with screening, formulation, quality control, and analytical prep workflows. Programmable settings, including the optional orbital mixing, can be used with default settings, or customized to your unique nucleic acid, AAV, and LNP samples.
The Proof
Join us to see firsthand data results demonstrating the power and flexibility of Unagi for nucleic acids, LNPs, and AAVs. Final exchange and concentration values, along with analytic characterization, will be shown under different conditions.