Skip the hassle for AAV and AdV empty/full and titer data with Stunner
When working with AAV and adenovirus (AdV) vectors it’s a big deal to get fast answers on capsid titer, empty/full ratio, and if things are aggregated. Whether you’re working with fractions coming off a purification column or trying to pick the best sample for the next expensive assay, having quick, confident data on titer and empty/full is key to save sample and time.
Stunner’s unique combination of UV/Vis with static and dynamic light scattering (SLS & DLS) gives researchers a full read-out on AAV or AdV titer, empty/full ratio, and aggregation – in about a minute using only 2 µL.
In this webinar you’ll learn how Stunner delivers dye-free, standard-free, and hassle-free titers and checks the size and aggregation of 96 samples in just 1 hour. We’ll look at all the info Stunner delivers, how this can be used for sample QC, and we’ll show data and case studies so you can see how well Stunner can accelerate your AAV and AdV characterization.
- Learn how Stunner combines UV/Vis and DLS/SLS technology
- Learn how Stunner is used for rapid and low-volume gene therapy vector quantification and characterization
- Learn how Stunner can assist in making fast in-process production decisions