Get a grip on your pDNA characterizationwith Lunatic
The Problem
Plasmid DNA (pDNA) is more popular than ever as a critical starting material for viral vectors and mRNA-LNPs, but its high cost means analytics need to deliver data from almost no sample. Knowing purity and total concentration is crucial when producing or working with pDNA, so you always need to monitor how much you have and when impurities are lurking. When samples aren’t pure pDNA, only looking at A260/230 and A260/280 ratios via spectrophotometry won’t help you find out the amount of plasmids you have and what else is really there.
The Solution
Lunatic only needs 2 µL to quant and QC your pDNA, delivering spot-on results for up to 96 samples in just 10 minutes without any expensive dyes or standards. Besides QC’ing a boatload of plasmid preps, Lunatic also overcomes common hurdles to deliver results right on the money even when contaminants are present.
The Proof
During this virtual seminar you’ll learn what Lunatic is all about and see how it quantifies plasmid DNA samples fast, accurately, and with just 2 µL of sample, no dilutions needed. We’ll check out how Lunatic’s lightning fast UV/Vis measurements spot any dirt in your samples, and take a sneak peek at other great tools to drive pDNA manufacturing success.