Meet Aunty, the Queen of high throughput protein stability characterization
Testing stability of your proteins and formulations can feel like being buried alive when screening boat loads of candidates and conditions. Most classic tools are either inflexible, one-hit wonders that don’t give the full stability picture or seriously low-throughput, creating major bottlenecks that eat up valuable time you need for everything else you’ve got to get done, like yesterday.
Aunty is the fastest and highest throughput protein stability characterization tool on the planet. Load up to 96 of your samples into its plate and Aunty will power through piles of thermal melting and aggregation experiments at unmatched speeds – reading fluorescence, SLS and DLS of the whole plate every minute of a thermal ramp. Screen gobs of candidates and conditions with as many replicates as you want. Aunty busts out plates of results with unprecedented speed and data resolution.
Join this webinar to see how to set up and run an Aunty experiment. Get a walk-through of Aunty’s data analysis of Tm & Tagg and colloidal stability experiments and get a peek at the highest resolution stability data you’ve ever seen.