Pinpoint AAV titer and aggregationwith Stunner
The Problem:
Getting every piece of data you want for your AAV is never a walk in the park. High sample-to-sample variability gets in the way of knowing what’s really going on. Worse than that, burning through too much sample means downsizing for DoEs, while gold-standard assays can’t handle samples if dilutions are wrong, aggregation has gone amok, or your empty/full ratio isn’t what you thought.
The Solution:
Stunner wrings tons of data from every droplet of AAV, giving precise read-outs as low as 1 %CV on titer, size, aggregation, and empty/full ratio from total protein and DNA quantification. All that info is gathered in less than 2 minutes per sample on a 96-well plate without any sample processing – perfect for rapid analytic testing in downstream AEX optimization, formulation screening, or sample QC to stop unfit samples from making it to more resource-hungry testing.
The Proof:
In this webinar, you’ll learn how Stunner helps you get the most precise and complete data from the smallest sample volume to understand what’s really going on with every downstream sample. Whether you’re working with fractions coming off a purification column or trying to pick the best sample for a sample-hungry assay, we’ll show data and case studies on how well Stunner can accelerate your AAV characterization to save you sample and time.
Key learning objectives:
– The role of high-throughput screening in AAV downstream optimization
– How checking for aggregation can improve downstream analytics
– How to push the limits of light scattering for characterization at even lower titers
– How dynamic light scattering and UV/Vis combine to produce titer and empty/full information