Save time and cut costs in your LNP optimization workflow with Sunshine
The Problem:
Making the perfect LNP for your application is a grueling and expensive journey. There’s loads to think about – the formulation, the mixing types and flow rates, dilution and more. Then, when it comes to scaling-up, you might have to change device or end up using tons of consumables for large batches. Nailing the right LNP process can be a huge pain!
The Solution:
Sunshine is a semi-automated microfluidic platform, saving you time, effort and money during LNP screening and process development. It can split up your materials into multiple experiments for rapid screening of process conditions, cranking up your workflow speed. Sunshine also flexes reusable, glass microfluidics and automatic cleaning cycles, reducing your financial and time burden. Once you’ve dialed in your process, Sunshine can be run fully continuously! Just plug in your conditions and let it rip.
The Proof:
Join us for this seminar to see why Sunshine is the top performing LNP optimization and scale up tool. We’ll show you how easy it is to screen both formulations and conditions, and show you some real results from Sunshine in action. Plus, we’ll share tips to keep costs down and productivity up!