Untangle messy nucleic acid quant with Lunatic
The Problem
Working with high-quality RNA or DNA is never easy. Getting your hands on pure sample is loads of work and if anything goes wrong you’re asking for problems downstream with PCR or sequencing. When samples aren’t pure nucleic acid, looking at 260/230 and 260/280 ratios via spectrophotometry is not enough to find out how much RNA or DNA is really there – which gets even worse when DNA and RNA are mixed together.
The Solution
Lunatic picks up on DNA or RNA concentration in both pure and contaminated samples. Either nucleic acid absorbance spectrum can be deconvoluted from contaminants with Unmix algorithms from just 2 μL of sample. This provides an accurate nucleic acid concentration and saves you from overestimation caused by impurities.
The Proof
During this virtual seminar you’ll learn what Lunatic is all about and see how it accurately and reproducibly quantifies pure and contaminated nucleic acid samples. We’ll check out how Lunatic performs full-spectrum UV/Vis measurements at lightning speed, and uncovers the real concentration of your nucleic acid in samples with protein or DNA/RNA contamination.